Friday, June 14, 2013

First Post!

Hello and welcome to my blogging experiment! I am a child therapist working in Massachusetts. I see children of all ages and fins myself at least once a week scouring the internet for new ideas or techniques to bring into session. I also like to read scholarly articles..but I find these lack practical skills that I am looking to incorporate into my sessions. My hope is that this blog can be a place for me to record activities, strategies, and skills that have worked well with my kiddos and hear from other counselors as well!

Thank you for joining me on my journey!

AN IMPORTANT NOTE: The information shared on this blog does not represent the view of other professionals in the field of psychology and only reflects the opinion of the author. Posts are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, or replace legal, psychological or medical in person professional help. In order to maintain confidentiality, no personal or identifying information in clients will be provided in this blog.

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